Monday, October 27, 2008


Got wet today for the 1st time in awhile.More importantly, I've experienced first hand the longevity of true friendship.Travis and I had not seen each other for 36 years.but it seems like it was just yesterday that we were together.I know others experience similar moments,but when this wonderful erasing of time impacts you so personally;you treasure it! We have laughed,talked,laughed,looked at family pictures,laughed,told Citadel stories to his wife and daughter,laughed,hung out,laughed,talked,surfed,laughed some more. This is where true wealth lies;in the hearts of people. I realized another surfing goal by surfing Ruggles Ave in Newport.I did not do very well,but it was a beautiful day shared with Maryellen Atkins(Travis'daughter) and Tim,a family friend of Travis' kids. Travis manned the video camera. It was 4-6' and pretty clean.We (Travis & I) went to Monahan's dock to surf with Tim's brother,Jimmy. Small,glassy and frustrating.The waves so far don't want to cooperate,just tease.Monahan's is a legendary Rhode Island spot that I have seen pictures of and read about for years.Both in and out of the water it is a classic spot visually.Perfect rights off a rock groin/fishing dock in the waterfront area of town. Clear water and 2 or 3 different peaks all "saying" if I was 2-3 feet bigger just watch me go off. It wasn't 2-3 feet bigger unfortunately. Got wet,enjoyed Jimmy's company, and the three of us moved on to the Ocean Mist Bar to drown our teeth. The day was great,weather perfect,company terrific, and the waves uncooperative.LIFE IS GOOD! Yours with the Waves,Ralph

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